Winner at the Canada Book Awards
“Storied – Chronicles by the Circle of Six”
Authors- Linda Bond, Nell Davidson, Kim Fedor, Donna McDonald, Wendy Russell-Sheppard, Pat Whittaker
We did not intend to write a book.
In the fall of 2017 we were a disparate bunch who shared a desire to tell our stories and to tell them well. By the time our month- long weekly workshops with facilitator Linda Bond ended, we had become a co-operative group—writers helpingwriters—and friends as well. Six of the group wanted to continue, agreeing to meet monthly at the Belleville library.
Around the boardroom table we read our stories aloud, praising and encouraging each other while learning to give and receive feedback for improvements. Something left out? Too much detail? Some clarification required? We concluded our three- hour sessions with lunch at a nearby restaurant. Our camaraderie made the food taste even better.
Then we went home to our computers to revise, sometimes
rewrite, our stories.