Barbara Nattress

Barbara can trace her ancestors coming to the Niagara Region in 1778 thanks to the family history completed by her Great Aunt. She enjoyed writing the stories about the Loyalist struggles during the war of 1812. Her first book “Dreams in the Mist” and the sequel “Hannah’s Search” both recall how the War of 1812 affected the area, the residents and the country as a whole. It also tells a fictional tale of a 200 year old ghost living in the attic of a bed and breakfast. Her first novel “Dreams in the Mist” was awarded the Trafford Publishing Gold Seal of Literary Excellence following a review from the US Book of Reviews

After retiring from a career teaching Family Studies, Nattress owned and operated a bed and breakfast with her husband in Niagara on the Lake for eight years. She also had a career as a Realtor which allowed her to visit many beautiful historical homes in the Niagara region. After selling the B&B she volunteered and worked as an historical interpreter at a heritage park, teaching children about pioneer life.

The author now lives in another Loyalist area, Prince Edward County, and is enjoying the friendly quiet setting of a small Ontario town. Currently she is writing another historical fiction novel as yet untitled. The setting is Upper and Lower Canada during the 1830’s. Stay tuned for more.

To purchase Barbara’s books, please click HERE.