J.D. Carpenter
“I first visited The County in 1980, bought land in 1888 and became a resident in 2002. I am the author of the Campbell Young series of murder mysteries (McClelland & Steward, The Dundurn Group as well as a 4 books on poetry, and several stand alone novels published by Cressy lakeside Books, a publishing cooperative in The County whose focus is County-based writers and/or material.” J.D. Carpenter is the author of four books of poetry – County Murders (Cressy Lakeside Books, 2016); Nightfall, Ferryland Head (Missing Link Press, 1976); Swimming at Twelve Mile (Penumbra Press, 1979); Lakeview (Black Moss Press, 1990); Compassionate Travel (Black Moss Press, 1994) and five novels – The Devil in Me (McClelland & Stewart, 2001); Bright’s Kill (Dundurn Press, 2005); 74 Miles Away (Dundurn Press, 2007); Twelve Trees (Dundurn Press, 2008); The County Murders (Cressy Lakeside, 2016). His interests include music, art, baseball, hockey, horse racing, and his six granddaughters. He and his wife, Karen Ralley, live in Prince Edward County. To Purchase online, please click HERE.