Karen Halpern

Creativity and ingenuity have always been a part of my life.

From my early jobs as a birthday clown and nail artist, to my lifelong training in American Sign Language,  it has always been my dream to use joy,  creativity,  and imagination to help others.

I received my Masters degree in Speech and Language Pathology at Emerson University in Boston where,  under the auspices of Dr. David Luterman,  I learned the importance of involving parents in in all aspects of their children’s social,  emotional, and cognitive development. Upon graduation, I completed a Doctorate in Special Education at the University of Toronto, where my thesis focused on understanding and guiding families through a diagnosis of deafness in their child.

Throughout my career,  I have worked with organizations such as the Muki Baum Treatment Center, a facility for children and teens with emotional and cognitive disorders and syndromes,  and the Canadian Hearing Society,  where I developed programs to teach speech,  ASL, and English to deaf children and adult ESL students. In 2003, I launched Thumbprint Adventures, a company focused on enhancing children’s imagination and creative thinking through play and uniquely designed products.

I have been lucky now to be working in private practice since 1995.  My time is spent working with young children and their families, as well as providing accent modification training to teens and adult.

As my children say,  I have the greatest job in the world! Every day, I get to meet, play with, learn from, and guide the greatest children,  parents,  siblings, and adults. I look forward to helping you and your family thrive!.

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