Ulrike Bender
Back in June of 2019, soon to be full-time County resident Ulrike Bender decided she wanted to put some focus on taking pictures of vineyards in her future locale.
While her move to Prince Edward County is still in flux, her submission Balancing Act, which focuses on local vineyards.Bender and her husband are in the process of moving to their property in Milford.
“This project made me feel a lot closer to the county,” Bender expressed. “It made feel as though I sort of become a little bit more a part of the community because we currently live in Kingston but we are going to be moving here, and so it makes me feel more comfortable about that whole idea of relocating. I’ve always loved the country and I’ve loved the county so that part of it wasn’t difficult.”
“I also did some work in the wine making portion, so I was inside, photographing workers and their tasks. I called it the “the beauty in the process”. The beauty of the vineyards and then the process of the wine making,” Bender told the Gazette. “By the fall I pretty well decided that I was going to do a book of some kind and so I started to research, I started asking lots and lots of questions and started thinking about how I could put it together.”
Bender also explained how she feels wineries are a bit of a mystery to the general public when it comes to the process of grape growing and wine making.
The majority of the proceeds of Bender’s book are earmarked to be donated to Prince Edward Learning Centre
To purchase this book, please click HERE.