Roz Bound
Roz Bound has been writing for as long as she can remember. She learned to read and write when she was three years old, and now nearly eight decades late her love of writing remains as strong as ever, if not stronger. “I was an only child and had an imaginative mind, and I used to write a lot of stories,” she says. “Writing for me is a form of expression. Once the words start coming, you look at them when you’re finished and you think, ‘My Lord, where did that come from?’, and it’s a wonderful feeling.” As an adult, she spent 15 years in the Tropics, before moving back to Canada with her four children. She moved to the County some 20 years ago, which she says was her nineteenth move. Along the way, she earned a Bachelor’s degree while in her 50s, and then a Master’s degree in her 60s. She spent some time learning the art of spiritual healing, and she offered a succession of writing workshops, as well as publishing two books of poetry.