Debbie Tull

We purchased our property in Bloomfield in 2008 and have been living in the County since 2013 when we built our home. i am an Interior designer by trade and although I’m not officially an architect I designed our current home.

My interest in collecting Vintage items led to a side career selling collectibles at several outlets including Aberfoyle Antique market and Southworks in Cambridge Ontario as well as The Vintage Clothing show both in Ottawa and Toronto.,

Photography has always been a hobby of mine and I became more interested when the pandemic hit and I found myself with lots of time to take pictures while driving around the County.  I started playing with editing features and discovered that I could create my own vision making ‘art’ for my walls.

For the past 3 years during Covid restrictions I have been sending my photos to family and friends as a way of staying in touch and showing that I’m thinking about them.  Many have suggested that I sell my work so I thought perhaps it’s time to give it a try.

 Flowers, birds and local scenery are the subjects I enjoy photographing. Most of my bird photos are taken in my own yard.

I love the County and perhaps my pictures will be of interest to others who love it also!


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