Essential Relaxation 

Lisa Burke is a business women, a manufacturer of natural plant based remedies and skin care products, a wife and a mother of two.  Her products are unique in that they are absolutely 100% handmade in Prince Edward County.  She uses only natural plant-based ingredients; meaning there are NO synthetic colours or fragrances.  At Essential Relaxation they are committed to ensuring a healthy product for both our consumer and the environment.

Lisa, being well versed in the practice of herbal medicine, often had clients asking her for her advise on where to find natural products and remedies to heal their aliments. Lisa began making products on a case-by-case basis and fifteen years later, Lisa’s company now produces five separate natural cosmetic lines and over 140 packaged bath and body products, all of which are 100% handmade onsite and contain only natural, plant-based ingredients. Lisa’s products are trademarked under her company name, Essential Relaxation.