Florence Chik-Lau

Florence creates beautiful, authentic, ceramic animal sculptures that captivate your senses and uplift your spirit.Beneath the gentle and beguiling exterior of her animals, something deeper and distinctly human is hopefully captured in their gestures and expressions. Her process of creating is very organic and the elements of chance are allowed to influence the posture and the attitude of the finished sculpture. All her work are completely done by hand. Each piece is unique and no two are exactly alike. Some of her sculptures are anthropomorphic in nature. Whether they are true to life or hybrid, the animals are always portrayed with warmth, humour and dignity. Her work celebrates the special affinity between human and animal as well as the beauty that exists in all creatures, great and small.

On sale as well at The Local Store are 5×7 photographs and greeting cards featuring her most popular animal sculptures.  Also available are the sculpted animal head jewellery on cords that Florence created.