Lyne Lusk

Lyne blends both traditional and contemporary designs in an unorthodox fashion.

Each work evolves from an initial block into a piece saturated with the vivid colours of a Mediterranean landscape. Her fascination with the diversity of colours and fabrics andthe endless possibilities of quilting is the inspiration which drives her work forward. Lyne was introduced early to the fact, if you want to do anything, you must find a way to meet it’s challenges. To become a textile artist was just another one of those challenges.

Lyne’s work has been exhibited at the National Quilt Show, Provincial Quilt Shows, The Perrot Gallery, Belleville and various local venues. She was twice honoured by the Ontario Craft Council for her work and has numerous awards for her work in Quilt Shows. Lyne is a member of the PEC and York Heritage Quilt Guild, the PEC Arts Council and a Fibre Art Group.