Pyramid Ferments

After years of playing in bands and managing an indie record label Jenna Empey and Alex Currie decided on settling in Ontario and combining their unique skill sets to form Pyramid Ferments. Both Jenna and Alex are deeply committed to innovation and experimentation. This is reflected in their approach to creating an exciting and distinct product line of fermented foods and beverages, never before seen in Canada.

This is how they describe what they do:

We handcraft a unique and innovative line of fermented foods and beverages that draw from the abundance of our traditionally agricultural area.
We work with seasonal ingredients to highlight their distinct flavours through our Sauerkrauts, Kimchis and Kombuchas; offering never before seen tastes and flavour profiles to our customers and retail vendors.

We source our raw ingredients as close to home as possible. Combining our own ecologically grown produce with wildcrafted ingredients from Prince Edward County and high quality vegetables from Ontario farms.