Robin Timmerman lives with her family in beautiful Prince Edward County in Eastern Ontario. She is a member of Crime Writers of Canada.

To order Robin’s books online click here. 

Her Middle Island mystery novels feature young police officer Pete Jakes and his Turkish-born wife Ali. Jakes, a former Canadian soldier, has decided to switch careers and look for peace as a policeman in rural Ontario.  This being a murder mystery series, the Jakes find anything but!

Pity of the Winds, the first novel in the series, won the Prince Edward County Reads Award in 2012. This successful book has been followed by these fast-paced whodunnits with a strong rural flavour.

Season of Deceit

Crimes of Summer

Threat of Autumn

Out of the Running

Robin has addressed book clubs and writing groups and attended at authors’ fairs. She has been interviewed on radio and co-hosted Mad About Mysteries on her local station. She is always happy to meet others who are interested in reading and writing !1.