Instructions : Use 1 tablespoon per lb of meat. When using the first time we always recommend starting off with a bit less as you can always more if you want additional flavor. In our opinion there’s nothing worse than overpowering a dish with seasoning.
Cooking with tea is a natural extension as it adds new aromas as well enhancing the dishes flavors. Tea also compliments most ingredients and spices. Think of using tea in a rub more like adding a dried herb. In this rub, the tea is Lapsang Souchong which is a brash, aromatic, strongly flavored black tea gets its character from real smoke. While most teas go through a natural drying process (i.e. laid out to air dry), Lapsang Souchong is essentially force dried by wood fire. During this “campfire” process its the leaves are withered over pine wood or sometimes cypress wood before pan-firing and rolling. The tea leaves are then expertly stored to allow them to ferment. After fermentation they are fired again. The end result is more smoky than woody.