Search Results for: marc keelan-bishop

“Wellers Bay” – Marc Keelan-Bishop

11×17 inches

Wellers Bay  – This Wellers Bay poster is a veiled nod to Prince Edward County history. The strip of beach in Wellers Bay which separates it from Lake Ontario is off limits to humans in part because it’s a National Wildlife Area, but also because it was used as a bombing range by Commonwealth pilots during WWII.

“Rednersville” – Marc Keelan-Bishop

11×17 inches

Rednersville Road  –  Farmers traditionally relied on maple production to buy seeds for the upcoming growing season. This image is inspired by the maple forest near my house on Rednersville Road, and a photo I saw of Ron Hubbs checking his Sweetwater Cabin taps.  That being said, Rednersville Road is also a long stretch of road on the south side of the Bay of Quinte, that is filled with artist studios who have their own annual studio tour in the fall.

“South Bay” – Marc Keelan-Bishop

11×17 inches

South Bay  –  In the mid 19th century, Prince Edward County was known for it’s barley, grown all across the island and shipped to New York state where it was prized by beer and ale makers. The County’s many coves and bays allowed locally-built ships to anchor near farms. Many ships were launched in South Bay, and even more sheltered there, avoiding the fate of the numerous shipwrecks that dot the shore near Little Bluff. Recently, the County has seen a surge in new breweries, following the lead of the wineries.

“Hillier” – Marc Keelan-Bishop

11×17 inches

Hillier  –  Prince Edward County has had many lives, from Iroquois settlements to Loyalist refuge to agricultural hub to bootleggers paradise. Today, places like Hillier draw visitors with offerings of adventurous wines and exciting food. Many of the new wineries are built around old buildings, like this church, part of the Closson Chase Winery in Hillier.

“Point Petre” – Marc Keelan-Bishop

11×17 inches

Point Petre  – The Avro Arrow was a Canadian supersonic fighter jet that proved ahead of it’s time. In 1959 it came to a dramatic and mysterious end when the Canadian government scrapped the project and destroyed all planes, practically overnight. While no planes remain, the original aerodynamic models rest at the bottom of Lake Ontario off of Point Petre on the southern tip of Prince Edward County.

After many failed searches, a new team found and recovered one in 2018. It was delivered back to land at CFB Trenton after resting on the bed of Lake Ontario for over 64 years. This historic discovery appears to be the grandfather to the delta wing design of the Arrow program. It is one of three original free-flight models from the Arrow design program launched into the lake in 1954 as a part of a series of tests to develop the CF 105 Avro Arrow.

“Mountain View” – Marc Keelan-Bishop

11×17 inches

Mountain View –  On Hwy 62 between Belleville and Bloomfield… you will often see these bright yellow gliders and their buzzing single-engine launchers, seen all summer in the skies above our heads, are part of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets glider school at Canadian Forces Detachment Mountain View, a detachment of CFB Trenton. Young people from near and far see a side of the County that few of us will ever experience.  Mountain View, located between Bloomfield and Belleville on HWY 62, is the location of a former British Commonwealth Air Training Plan air station.